Farm Life
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Geese and ducks feed
06:45am and 4:30pm
Cows milked every day
Weekdays: 7am • Weekends: 8am
Animal Farm & Farm Life
- Guests are welcome to enjoy the farm life and many domestic animals on the property:
- Geese and ducks are fed at around 06:45am and 4:30pm at Isaac’s Dam.
Come and meet Prince and Princess, and their many friends.
- Cows. Eliza, Daisy, Clara & Holly, our milking cows, can be found in our 2 farmyards.
They are milked in the mornings at around 7am and weekends at around 8am. Please make arrangements with Reception if you would like to be a part of this exciting experience. Walk up behind the Dining Hall towards the chicken run.
- Chickens. The chickens live right next door to where Eliza, Daisy, Clara & Holly are milked. You will spot 3 big roosters, who rule their roost of hens and chicks. Monty (the orange one), Timothy (the white, spotted one) and mighty King Xerxes (the black one). These chickens lay eggs for us in season, and if there are enough, you can buy a few to taste a fresh farm egg.
- Look out for the baby chicks & goslings in the aviaries & runs near the pools during breeding season.
- The Friendly Farmyard has a very interesting collection of animals, and is a comfortable little 5-minute stroll from Sheep Gate, towards Jaffa Gate where you entered the property.

Meet the Animals
- Ostrich. Dorcas lives in the camp next to the Jolly Farmyard. You may find her near the dam at Jaffa Gate. She comes to the fence, does a little dance, flaps her wings and sits on the ground, ready to be admired.
- Guanaco (Llama). Snowflake, our hand-reared white guanaco (she is not a Llama because she does not spit!!), often comes running towards the fence at great speed, because she loves humans. You can safely go towards her and give her a scratch behind her ears. In her delight, she makes some scary snorts, but these are not threatening at all. She lives here with her mate, Topdeck (the name is self-explanatory as you will see), and friends Fudge & Caramel.
- Cattle. Every now and again you will find the odd cow or bull joining this collection, because we need to keep a special eye on them for one or other reason.
Meet Samson & Caleb
- Find Samson (the big red tractor), and Caleb (the big green 4×4 Unimog).
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