Explore nature's wonders with unofficial walking trails

Apart from our beautiful Eingedi Hiking Trail, we have numerous unofficial walking trails for game viewing and bird watching, at no extra cost.

Make sure to bring along comfortable, closed walking shoes, and binoculars, for a close-up experience with nature. Because our terrain varies from mountains to plains, we can suggest really beautiful short walks for our guests who do not enjoy long, official hikes. 

Dorcas Walk

Dorcas Walk is by far our most popular short walk. The story behind this walk is really heart-warming, and worth hearing. We would be very happy to share it with you.  

The walk takes you to Shama Dam, which is only 10 minutes from ‘Reception’. It is well marked and well-trodden – you will definitely not get lost! 

Once you have passed through the little conifer forest, and crossed the small perennial stream, you enter the most beautiful, mainly indigenous, forest on our farm (You will be able to identify large wild olive trees). Because of the tranquillity of this place, we have called it Gilead Garden. A sign directs you to a bench hidden in this peaceful setting, where natural healing flows over your soul while feeling the cool breeze, hearing the birds sing, and listening to the rustle of the leaves. A good spot for a quiet ‘alone-time’, and a good book or your journal. 

If you are looking for a view, continue up the natural steps and little path, until you reach another sign which directs you to the Treetops Bench. Here you can sit for a long while, just above the Gilead Garden canopy, drinking in the beautiful vistas across the valley towards the mountains. A lovely little romantic spot for coffee or wine with snacks.

Once you have passed the benches, you continue onto Shama Dam which has a beautiful setting (we have hosted 2 weddings here because of it). You will find a picnic table and  benches, a rustic Lapa and very unique toilet. Wildlife is often spotted nearby. The sunsets from here are spectacular! This small dam also has a paddle ski available for paddling, and is our bass fishing ‘catch & release’ dam. (See ‘Picnicking, Fishing & Paddling’) A great location to spend a few hours with the family.

Sinai Lookout

Sinai Lookout is a bit more strenuous, and takes you up the 4×4 track to the top of the mountain which overlooks the Eingedi Valley with its infrastructure, and also has a good view of Shama Dam. It should take you roughly 15 minutes to walk up the steep slope, but you will be glad you did, once you sit down on the big sandstone rocks and drink in the landscape.

Ararat Lookout

Ararat Lookout – if you still have the energy, you can continue on the same 4×4 track for about 1km, until you reach the ‘Ararat Lookout’ sign on the right. A short distance on the path, roughly 75m, will take you to the point, on a large sandstone boulder, that overlooks the plains where most of the game are. Try and find Eland, Black and Blue Wildebeest, Red Hartebeest, Zebra (and Michaela the donkey who lives with them!), Blesbuck, Springbuck, Ostrich and Impala. 

You will also see the old game capture/release site that we have called Noah’s Ark. Shiloh Dam, another interesting story attached to this one, is to the right of the ark, and attracts many animals to quench their thirst. Return back home on the same track you used to get to this lookout. 

Jaffa Gate Walk

Jaffa Gate Walk – This a very simple short walk ideal for little children – also a good road for riding their bicycles. It is a distance of about 500m to the entrance gate of Eingedi.  

Once you have crossed the cattle grid of Sheep Gate, you will have The Jolly Farmyard on your left, where you can find our dairy cows, Eliza, Daisy, Clara and Holly.

Continue past the cattle crush on your right, and head towards Gemsbok Dam near Jaffa Gate. This camp is called The Friendly Farmyard. Here you may see Gideon our Mulberry Jersey bull, Dorcas the dancing ostrich (Dorcas Walk was named after her), and Snowflake our snorting white Guanaco/Llama. Snowflake, our hand-reared guanaco (she is not a Llama because she does not spit!!), often comes running towards the fence at great speed, because she loves humans. You can safely go towards her and give her a scratch behind her ears. In her delight, she makes some scary snorts, but these are not threatening at all. She lives here with her mate, Top-deck (the name is self-explanatory as you will see), and friends Fudge & Caramel. 

See ‘Greater Eingedi Map’ to locate these places.

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